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Join our PHP Developers community for networking and collaboration! 🌟 Looking for job offers or have off-topic questions? Connect with us at @phpofftopic. Interested in mobile app development? Join @mobileappsdevelopers for insights and opportunities. Please read the pinned message carefully before posting. Let's build together!
This group is for software developers and learners to discuss topics related to software, specifically Java, Python, databases, and SQL. The rules include communication in English, prohibiting links, private chats, job opportunities, and sharing personal information without consent.
Welcome to the PHP Developers group! 🚪 This is an inviting space where PHP enthusiasts of all levels can come together to share knowledge, ask questions, and collaborate. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, you're encouraged to dive right in and seek advice on any PHP-related topic. Just remember
المطورون: يرجى قراءة القوانين المثبتة قبل القيام بأي نشاط. القوانين تتضمن عدم السماح بالدردشة أو الإساءة، والأسئلة المسموح بها تتعلق بأجهزة الكمبيوتر فقط.
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